Monday, April 18, 2005

just another SAKI sunrise

alchohol kills you slowly, but i am not in a hurry anyway!

on the eve of 2 waiver exams, i am set out to explore the hedonic side of the city that never sleeps. Started off great with a good walk to the subway. with very minimal efforts. reached the tibetian restaurant called "TSAMPA". where the rage, was introduced (again) to the japanese rice wine or Saki. I guess this is the only alchoholic drink that is served hot. well, the introduction did not end at this point, i learnt the art of patience, well thats what you get when you are trying to eat delicious food with chopsticks and i am not used to chopsticks. after much deliberation and concentrated efforts i made it easy on myself and asked for fork :).
but it was fun trying, i am a natural i guess, well some kinda natural.

with a heavy course of tofu and spicy noodles and probably some parts of the chopstick, we embarked on our next journey to a place called "Qua". Turns out this is a club and not a lounge, well, as long as theres alchohol in my body and spirit in my mind (like always) i am game for almost anything. after another couple of rounds of my good frined Jack (Daniels that is) we hung around the center stage. which was more beatified (not beautified) with a couple of half dressed (as opposed to naked) gurls. unfortunately i found neither one very attractive. i was more than pleased with my pretty girl friend by my side. i guess boys will be boys.

when we hit the sack it was almost dawn.

and more importantly when i woke up it was too late in the afternoon to prepare from scratch for 2 subjects, when one of those subjects is calculus, yes, calculus in business school, but as i said i am writing a waiver, so i dont have to sit thru the classes.

now that the time for the exam is up, i guess and more importantly i hope that it went well.

its time to do my fav. thing, to eat now :)

i guess i should part with all my readers with something i learnt today
well, its a word
so try this on for size

a convivial atmosphere at the reunion (of vathsa with music)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vampire, thats a cool article dude. You rock dude

Thursday, May 26, 2005 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was feeling little low one day,but
a guy cheered me up by asking me to read some thing-Thats vats.
I was like WOW interesting stuff!!!
But wondered if u r planning to have a partnership with an Alchohol company ;-),too much of beer stuff every where!!!!
Way to go lambu......

Monday, June 20, 2005 2:45:00 AM  

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